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I built my businesses on 90 Day intervals and have done so over the last 15 years. It’s a long enough period to make things happen but also a short enough period to not feel overwhelmed and tired.

The last 90 days we did A LOT!

I wrote 3 EBooks, launched 2 Websites, set up my membership program, created new products, launched new programs and lost 10lbs! 

What about you?

Were you hoping to do a whole lot more business, engage in more personal development, spend more time with family or simply to recharge and restructure?

 I’ve heard from a lot of entrepreneurs that the last 90 days were disappointing to say the least but yet from others that they just did something different.

Whenever you feel things are not working out, do something different.


Here are a couple of my top tips:

  1. Change your business model
  2. Change your prospecting
  3. Follow up with clients you didn’t get a chance to speak or connect with
  4. Do over your goals
  5. Look at what actually made money over the last year or the last 90 days
  6. Find someone to collaborate with
  7. Ask for HELP!


I have had to deal with and make changes to the list above many times. Also, in running 3 businesses (and a 4th starting soon) I’ve learned to:

  • Allow for changes if things are not going right
  • Be prepared to take responsibility for all business ups and downs
  • Make decisions quickly if change needs to happen
  • Stay focused always on the BIG goal.


Life gives you what you plan for…..

This is a true saying indeed when it comes to running a successful business. Want to make the next 90 DAYS HAPPEN?


Here are my 5 Tips to INCREASE Your Sales the next 90 days:

  1. Offer your current customers the chance to serve them better by referring one of your clients or connections to them.
  2. Follow up on business cards, connections and referrals again as most people need 8 – 12 touches before they respond. Make sure you are BAMFAMing always. Want to learn more about this, book a time to speak with me HERE.
  3. Offer a referral fee to your existing clients for any new leads they introduce to you to that pay. There is a way and system to do this so ask me if you are not sure.
  4. Do a 3 for the price of 2 OFFER with extra bonuses to make sure your clients know you are offering additional value at no extra cost.
  5. Offer to do a FREE Q & A session for prospective clients / customers so that you can showcase your BEST Services / Products and WHY working with you is better than your competitors.

BONUS TIP: Only focus on Income Generating Work – this is what I teach at my 7 Steps to 7 Figure Sales® Training Program. You can find out more on my website:


If you are at a stage and saying…..I NEED TO DO SOMETHING QUICK to generate more revenue, get new clients and create better systems or you simply need to find out what you should be doing next – then get in touch. We are here to support you on your journey to generate more business, create residual income, build your brand locally or globally, live your best life now and Live Like a Champion!

Take action today if you don’t want a repeat of the last 90 days but want to make the rest of this year, YOUR BEST YEAR EVER! Taking action NOW could make all the difference in your life and business. Go ahead and contact us here directly.


Begin your journey toward success today!