Play A Special Message From Camilita


Camilita works with top CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Company Directors, those wanting to Invest in Property, High – Level Consultants, Coaches, Trainers, Investors, and 6, 7 & 8 Figure Business Owners who want to Upgrade their Life or Business. Get started today! Click the button to schedule a call with one of Camilita’s Top Team who will assist you with the next steps to your success.


Camilita is a force to be reckoned with!
She is a fantastic Business Coach and I am grateful

I have known Camilita for 8 years. She was my Mentor in 2015/16. I am so glad I decided for her to be my Coach again in 2022 and this time I will continue to grow with her expertise. The BEST quality according to me in Camilita is coaching by being an example. I love her relentless pursuit of goals, no matter what. I am learning to be relentless every day in pursuit of my goals. She is a great listener and she remembers my story, what I want and how I want to do things.

She is thorough in her knowledge and execution of business tasks. She is confident and infuses that confidence into me, almost daily. She has the insights and business expertise and she doesn’t take no for an answer. I love that she shows me various ways to complete a task. she follows up with me. She generously shares her team of trusted contacts to carry out various tasks. I can rely on her and her team.

I love her energy, her smile and the fact that she’s humane. Even when I wasn’t her client she always reached out with words of help and guidance. She has a positive perspective about everything in life. I am grateful to have her support as I build my business. Thank you so much Camilita!

Fertility Doctor on Harley Street, London, Consultant & Speaker



Camilita is a brilliant coach
Working with Camilita has been so easy, she’s a great fit for me.

Working with Camilita has been so easy, she a great fit for me. She’s a brilliant coach because she reminds you of what you’re capable of and more. She helps you see and realise your value. She is able to extract the answers from within you and then helps you take action even when you’re scared and full of self-doubt. This might sound strange coming from someone who built a multi-million-pound business. When I came to Camilita I felt stuck and now I’ve found my direction and drive again.

Multi-Millionaire Health Care Director / Consultant



Camilita’s expertise extends far beyond!
I therefore wholeheartedly recommend Camilita

I am delighted to share my heartfelt testimonial for Camilita, whose exceptional coaching has been instrumental in the success of our conferences and beyond. Her guidance during the planning of my recent professional conference ( a first for me!) – transformed it into a remarkable event. Her continued support for our upcoming July meeting has once again proven invaluable. She continues ot share pointed and insightful advice that will ensure that we stay on the path to success.

Camilita’s expertise extends far beyond conference planning and so far I can also say that her knowledge encompasses property investment, time management, and various pathways to success. Her comprehensive understanding of these diverese area is in my opinion a tremendous asset.

What I must also share is that what truly sets Camilita apart is her unwavering encouragement and support. She has helped me overcome my imposter syndrome, consistently motivating me to believe in my capabilities and achieve my goals. Her ability to inspire confidence and provide practical guidance has made a profound impact on both my professional and personal growth.

I therefore wholeheartedly recommend Camilita to anyone seeing a coach who brings unparalleled expertise, dedication and a genuaine passion for helping others succeed. She is an extraordinary coach and an invaluable partner on the journey to success.

Dr Alison Mayers BDS, MSc, MA [BARBADOS]
Author, Dental Surgeon (Periodontist) & Regional Vice President at Commonwealth Dental Association


Ready to make your BIG idea a reality? Coaching with Camilita will give you a powerful action plan to launch your business globally and a solid system to keep growing once it is launched. It’s time to make your dreams a reality.


Overcome any limitations that are holding you back from achieving your big goals. Coaching will enable you to actually start achieving the goals you set yourself and your business. You’ll finally have the accountability you have been looking for.


It’s no secret that to truly be financially free you need to have multiple streams of residual income. Camilita will help you create multiple incomes from what you already know. You already have the knowledge, it’s time to put it into practice.


Through Camilita’s coaching, you will get a plan to build or Create Your Exit Strategy in under 18 months. If you are at that point in your life where you need an EXIT PLAN, then you have come to the right place so let’s get to work!

Through Camilita’s personalised coaching process, she truly hears what is needed and her proprietary techniques for discovering human potential are revolutionary. From pre-introduction questionnaires to delving deeply into the opportunities available to those under her coaching, Camilita provides valuable advice and direction on increasing both personal and income-building potential. Camilita is the architect of dreams via leadership and example, providing a blueprint for success unmatched by her peers.

The fact is, Camilita knows the feeling of wanting to achieve BIG things when the opportunities in front of you seem slim. The youngest of 11, Camilita’s parents didn’t have enough money to fund her education, so she went on the public dump in Trinidad to ‘hustle’ through large mounds of waste and rubbish, looking for empty bottles to sell. Camilita studied hard and then enrolled in Law School.

After Law School, Camilita left Trinidad for the UK penniless, but after four years had a net worth of over £1 Million in property. She was a top salesperson in a network marketing company for not only one, but seven consecutive years in Europe, she engineered a major sales force in over 30 countries and did in excess of $20Million dollars in sales, travelled to over 50 countries and lived in Spain, Germany, Trinidad, Netherlands and the UK. During that time, Camilita got on the housing ladder, built a property portfolio and started public speaking.

Most successful entrepreneurs and company directors have said that coaching was paramount to their success. Someone who has had the experience and work ethic who can teach you how to do it BIGGER & FASTER.

Camilita Nuttall

The fact is, Camilita knows the feeling of wanting to achieve BIG things when the opportunities in front of you seem slim. The youngest of 11, Camilita’s parents didn’t have enough money to fund her education, so she went on the public dump in Trinidad to ‘hustle’ through large mounds of waste and rubbish, looking for empty bottles to sell. Camilita studied hard and then enrolled in Law School.

After Law School, Camilita left Trinidad for the UK penniless, but after four years had a net worth of over £1 Million in property. She was a top salesperson in a network marketing company for not only one, but seven consecutive years in Europe, she engineered a major sales force in over 30 countries and did in excess of $20Million dollars in sales, travelled to over 50 countries and lived in Spain, Germany, Trinidad, Netherlands and the UK. During that time, Camilita got on the housing ladder, built a property portfolio and started public speaking.

Most successful entrepreneurs and company directors have said that coaching was paramount to their success. Someone who has had the experience and work ethic who can teach you how to do it BIGGER & FASTER.


I really felt like I was the focus
My experience has been absolutely amazing

I want to endorse Camilita Nuttall as the perfect coach for me… What I like about Camilita, and I think it’s very important in choosing a coach, is that she is already successful and has had success in the area that I want to be successful in – growing business and helping people. It’s also very important that your coach or coach is really interested in who you are as a person and not just being a number in the system and that’s what I got from Camilita …What is different with Camilita is I really felt like I was the focus, which is very important in coaching. Also, she herself has a coach and that is also very important criteria I think you should look for in having a great coach in the sense that they themselves believe in coaching and continuous development and that’s really what you will find in Camilita. My experience has been absolutely amazing and I want to thank her so much for all the help that she has given me over the last few months.

SHANE RAM [Trinidad]
Executive Coach & Keynote Speaker



Camilita is an incredible coach
She is a woman who knows how to make amazing things happen

Camilita is an inspirational coach, a visionary with a straight-forward and fast execution approach. Camilita is powerful, energetic and incredibly caring. Her coaching sessions are laser focused and she has an ability to translate and connect your vision, passion, purpose and story, providing clarity and resulting in personal and professional transformation. I can’t recommend Camilita highly enough!

Engineering Director



Fulfilling business and life goals
The way you see life will never be the same

I recently started a coaching relationship with Camilita and it is having a profound impact on my progress towards my goals in life. The main impact is I have significantly stopped my procrastinating tendencies and am taking a bolder approach to life. I see opportunities in larger relief than in the past. While this is still an unfolding process, Camilita’s bold and never take no for a final answer mindset has been instructive and inspiring. I can confidently say I have made important strides towards fulfilling business and life goals. I now fully embrace the mantra…the urgency of now! This is an adaptation of a MLK Jr saying which through discussions with Camilita a life-changing perspective was given. I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to URGENTLY embrace her coaching. The way you see life will never be the same….

Hubert Edwards [Bahamas]
Former Accountant & Bank Manager, Consultant & Radio Show Host


Through Camilita’s private coaching process, we will provide a blueprint for your success. Listening to you, we will uncover what is needed to reach your goals through a revolutionary technique that reveals your true potential.


  • Do you have a big dream? You know you are supposed to make a huge difference in the world, with your children, family or community but want help getting it done.
  • Are you working harder but not getting anywhere?
  • Are you at the point where you are saying to yourself ‘I have to make a change’ or ‘I don’t want to face another year unprepared, unplanned or without support to fulfill my dreams’?
  • Are you are struggling to get your business off the ground? Are you confused about what to do?
  • Are you thinking about changing careers, calling it quits or do you want some direction but don’t know where to turn?


Camilita partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential, to Live Like a Champion. As a leader and communicator, Camilita has had countless coaches throughout her life and knows she could not have done it without them.


Camilita is an invaluable guide
The experience is liberating, enthusing, invigorating, refreshing and an eye opener!

Working with Camilita has been liberating, enthusing, invigorating, refreshing, motivating, full of humour and an eye opener! Each of our 1-2-1 business coaching sessions so far has provided at least one (and often several) – serious “light bulb” moments when something she says pushes things so they fall into place with a resounding clang (normally accompanied by one of those “why didn’t I think of that before?” moments too…) Camilita is a focused, straight forward business person who helps you to hold yourself to account to achieve goals she’s helped you define, but which are very much your own. She helps you define process and systems, based on knowledge she’s acquired over her very successful business career. She’s 100% committed to helping you achieve the success you want for yourself too. She very much sees her job as helping you to develop a toolkit that will let you do work necessary for yourself in the future – without being dependant on her. Camilita has helped me to get a route map for this transition that I was sorely lacking and her invaluable guide, coach and resource I thoroughly recommend.

Experienced Business & Web Professional


With a combination of in-house and online coaching, Camilita offers your team the option of coaching in different time zones using the best technology possible to ensure maximum benefit.


Every group coaching session is specifically designed for your business through an extensive discovery process. With group activities to encourage team and relationship building. We’ll cover…

  • 7 Steps to 7 Figure Sales® Training with The difference between a Customer Plan v Business Plan
  • How to Quadruple your Productivity with this Single Most Important Concept
  • The New Way to Get More Out of Your Existing Clients and Getting to level 5!

Participants are encouraged to bring their OWN goals and what’s holding them back from attaining those goals, while we work on a strategic solution. This can take place over one full day, a weekend, few months or customised to the needs of your group.



I tripled my income
I learned how to prioritise, focus and get rid of old beliefs

I attended one of Camilita’s conferences… This event was a game changer and a huge growth opportunity for me mentally as well as in business. The weekend was full of warmth in guiding you and your business with an excellent schedule where everything was taken into consideration. I got a lot of tools to work with that I still carry out to this day and will in the future. After attending the event I have taken huge steps and followed my heart and at least tripled my income. Camilita’s teaching and guidance really opened my eyes and I learned how to prioritise, focus and get rid of old beliefs that were in the way. I have attended other seminars that Camilita has been in part of. Just love her heart, warmth and her story.

Entrepreneur & Business Owner

Boost Sales. Motivate Staff. Take Your Group to the Next Level!

If you’re looking for business coaching for your large organisation, small business, charity, church, members association or team, Camilita will help you boost sales, encourage lagging team members or motivate staff to do more!

Camilita is a charismatic, dynamic, high energy, speaker and business coach. She is knowledgeable, genuinely caring, thorough in the duties she performs and leaves a positive lasting impression on anyone with whom she comes into contact.

Ann Bird, United Kingdom

As my business coach Camilita was the energising direction I needed to reinvigorate myself and my business to a whole new level. She went the extra mile in opening doors for me, making introductions and supporting my promotion activities. I am deeply grateful for Camilita’s coaching in my business!

Vikki Coombes, United Kingdom

Camilita has the amazing gift of seeing you for who you are and summarizing it in a few sentences. You’re left sitting there deeply moved, with tears in your eyes wondering how someone you just met sees the depths of you so clearly and so profoundly. Thank you Camilita, I could not have found a better coach.

Suvi Bowellan, Finland

I chose to work with Camilita after attending her first retreat in Barbados, which was awesome! I was eager to take my business to the next level and she possessed the experience I lacked in building large businesses, as well as in-depth Sales & Marketing experience.  Camilita is a strong and confident coach who is also a compassionate communicator, which is exactly what I needed.  She helped me see the value of my own global network, expertise, talents, gifts and overcome my limiting belief regarding making money leveraging them.  With her guidance, I’ve developed a new program entitled “The Divine Quotient™”, which I recently gave a TEDX Talk about in May 2018.  It is already transforming the lives of women leaders all over the world!  If you are looking for a coach to help you get results, keep you accountable and do it authentically, hire Camilita!  I am honoured to now call her my friend as well as coach.

Tilde Guajardo, USA

The sessions with Camilita has brought clarity and direction to the Vision of how I want to serve. I have numerous ideas that I want to implement and there are situations that I viewed as obstacles and barriers. Camilita has shown me ways to navigate them and utilize the many skill sets and talents that I already have to bring these ideas to fruition.  What makes me feel really comfortable with Camilita is that she is extremely down to Earth and approachable. What I truly appreciate the most, is her genuine encouragement. I think her life experiences afford her the latitude to meet you where you are at. I would surely recommend Camilita and her services.

Dr. Kitiboni Rolle-Adderley, The Bahamas

I saw Camilita in Helsinki and immediately fell in love with her energy. I paid right away to take part of her Investor’s paradise event year later and signed in to her coach program. Camilita kept on pushing and encouraging me but in the end, I wasn’t yet ready for the changes she saw in me. Camilita managed anyway to place ideas and thoughts into my head and finally now, one year later, I see what Camilita tried to show me months ago and I am ready to rock’n roll. Everything happens for a reason and right people are brought to us when it is meant to. Trust me, follow your intuition and let Camilita do her magic.

Sari Ricciardella, Finland

I worked with Camilita as my mentor and this was one of the best decisions I made. I have clarity on where to focus my energy and I am seeing the results. I love her passion and if you want to grow and see results then Camilita is definitely the business coach and mentor you need. I am very particular when I seek advice from people because a lot of people tend to do what’s popular but Camilita is different. She provides valuable strategies on how you can improve in your business and personal life by earning residual income. Not only this but, she is transparent and tells you exactly what you need to improve and what to cut out. I like this… She means business!

Merlinda Francois, UK & Dominica

Camilita is a seasoned professional coach and has a broad business focussed perspective. Her ability to think through personal and organisational issues and find sensible, pragmatic solutions is highly impressive. She has lots of energy, stamina and leads from the front. Camilita makes a positive and immediate impact. I would highly recommend working with her.

Carol Brown, United Kingdom

I have had the pleasure of working with Camilita Nuttall for a number of years now and she has had a phenomenal impact on my life. When I met her and Andrew my business was failing and I did not know where to turn. Camilita and Andrew coached me for over 6 months and taught me how to grow my business and create clients. They personally coached me on developing my coaching practice and growing my network. I now earn multiple 6 figures as a result of their coaching and support. They are trusted coaches and now friends and I look forward to a continued prosperous working relationship with them both.

Juanita Johnson, United Kingdom

Camilita is the coach that I have been waiting for most of my life.
She is direct, experienced and honest, and knows exactly how to transform you into the true owner of your business. I am now on track to becoming a 6-figure business owner because of her coaching, focus and organisational skills. Since hiring Camilita, I have made thousands of dollars and received high end clients that I never would have obtained without her help and now my business is international! This is something I have always dreamed of obtaining, and now I have achieved it. Thank you so much Camilita. I can never truly express how much you have helped to uplift me and change my life.

Tamara Rasheed, USA

Camilita is an exceptional Speaker, Sales Trainer and Business Coach. Camilita spent a whole day working with me on my business focused on how to generate more income. She helped me hone-in on those areas and activities within the business that will generate more income through her ‘Seven Steps to Seven figure sales’ to improve productivity in the business and generate new leads. Camilita is very action oriented and can help drive you and your business to the next level, however you ultimately have to do the work, but she is the business coach you need that will help you to achieve results!

Shirley Powell, United Kingdom

When I left my job to start my business, I really did not know where to start. Working with Camilita she held my hand and gave me guidance and knowledge that was worth more than the cost of her coaching. She was dedicated to every step in my process, from naming my company, to feedback on logo design. I launched my business eight months after working with Camilita. Today my new business is doing well and I owe much of that to what I learned from Camilita.

Candace Ram, Trinidad

Camilita is a no-nonsense coach who takes you out of your comfort zone and into the place you are meant to shine. I started working with Camilita this year and I can honestly say that she consistently continues to drive me forward, identifying the gaps that I didn’t even think existed. If you are keen to make big steps with your business Camilita Nuttall is the one to connect with!

Paula Burns, Wales

I met Camilita at Event of Champions® in Toronto in June… and I was instantly connected to her energy and her directness. It was at that point that I decided to work with Camilita as my coach to help accelerate my business. Camilita is an amazing person and businesswomen who gives it her all and helps connect you with other like-minded entrepreneurs. I feel privileged to have Camilita as a friend and would definitely recommend her coaching if you want to take your business to the next level.

Raschell Harlingten, Canada

Camilita is a woman who does what she says she’s going to do with energy and a strong sense of purpose…I think that’s the definition of professional! The best investment I’ve made in my business to date…

David F. Roberts, United Kingdom

Camilita has been my business coach for some time now. She’s truly the kind of coach I needed as she will kick my butt which is something I needed. She’s helped me to have much greater self-belief and confidence in my skills and expertise. Camilita takes no nonsense. If you’re serious about wanting to build a successful business and need a strong and caring coach, I would recommend you check out Camilita Nuttall.

Evadney Campbell, United Kingdom

Working with Camilita was the best decision I have ever made! From the Events of Champions to our 1-1 Business Strategy session, her strategic approach to growing my business was explosive. She is extremely hands-on, and her methods are practical for anyone who truly wants to grow their business and “Live Like a Champion” If you are looking for someone to help take you and your business to that next level, then Camilita is the woman you need. She is passionate, easy to communicate with and a true professional in her field. I will recommend her to anyone looking for a coach. Thank you Camilita.

Sherry Diaz-Thompson, United Kingdom


  • Realise WHO YOU ARE and earn more money
  • Hold you accountable and stay focused until the job gets done
  • Have an effective and powerful business launch or re-launch
  • Monetise ALL of who you are and create multiple incomes
  • Earn more, work less and automate your processes to achieve more
  • Build a brand that pays time and time again

Camilita’s ability to translate endless passion into business will help YOU build a sustainable route to successful entrepreneurship. She’s a trendsetter, unafraid to have the difficult conversations that push you towards purpose and dream fulfilment. If you’re serious about YOUR business and ready to move to THE NEXT LEVEL, Camilita is the Executive Business Coach you need on your side to have HUGE results now. Camilita is able to see where you can generate more money with what you currently have. Get ready for growth!


Fast track your success with Camilita’s Goal Setting Planner for Champions. This is one of Camilita’s best-selling products because people get results when they stick to it! Stay on target and stay focused every day, with a clear system you can use to achieve more growth in your life and business.


Here are the best and fastest ways to get in touch with us. We are always happy to answer any questions you have!


We’re always happy to have a conversation on the phone

+44 7903 65 22 80


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your coaching needs



Send us a direct message on instagram. We’d love to hear from you!



Send us a direct message on LinkedIn. We’d love to any questions you have!




Precise and powerful
Profound insights to address problems in my business

I have worked with several coaches and spent thousands on some of the top business and peak performance coaches in the world. I can say unreservedly that Camilita Nuttall was the most precise and powerful in terms of very quickly identifying the root cause of problems presenting themselves in my business and for providing me with profound insights on how to address them. I am blown away by Camilita’s perceptiveness, integrity and expertise. Camilita listens and serves you so deeply, and from a space of such respect and love that it is impossible to leave sessions with her without feeling empowered and being transformed. If you truly want to transform your business, Camilita is the coach. You won’t fully understand it, unless you book a session yourself.

Lawyer, Public Policy Researcher & Analyst 



An enthusiastic teacher
This incredible, brilliant, energetic, kind woman

I am the person who does not need a coach, I can figure it out on my own, thank you very much. Then I found this woman. This incredible, brilliant, energetic, kind woman. A session with Camilita is like no other coaching session I have ever had or facilitated. She is a powerful listener, an enthusiastic teacher, and has more wisdom on a Monday than I have all week! If you are considering hiring Camilita, I highly recommend it, and if you, like me, don’t need a coach, well, I call BS. You need her….and so do I. Three cheers to the growth you will have with her tutelage!

Founder Canvas Creek Team Building



Her energy is infectious
Committed to helping you get the results you desire

I have no hesitation in saying that Camilita is a great coach. Working with her has been an enriching experience. Her openness and selfless drive to help others succeed is unsurpassable. Camilita is the ultimate ’Rock Star Coach.’ Her energy is infectious; she is committed to walking with you every step of the way and committed to helping you get the results you desire. Most importantly Camilita is insightful, supportive and genuinely interested in people and their success. I would highly recommend Camilita as your ’Rock Star Coach’

Coach, Speaker & Consultant




Multiple my income tremendously
After our coaching I had a clear path

Camilita is amazing! She helped me realize I had products within products that could help my clients. After our coaching I had a clear path. She showed me I had more to offer that would help multiply my income tremendously. Camilita will give you strategies that will give you multiple streams of income. I highly recommend her services!

Motivational Keynote Speaker & Corporate Trainer



Given me practical strategies
So captivating I did not want to leave for a second

Words can not fully express the joy, peace, excitement, confirmation, and pleasure it was meeting with you today. You have truly given me a lot of food for thought, practical strategies and a transfer of your energy, insight and sheer determination to get the job done! Last year I came to your event to see if I could glean a few ideas about how to take my business forward and you gave me so much in the fifteen minutes one-to-one consultation that I promptly set out to become known as a key person in my profession. I put the strategies in action, through writing, speaking, training, etc. and managed to turn my businesses around without adding to the workload. Thank you for staying true to your calling to support entrepreneurs like myself, I have thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent going through my business goals, it was so captivating I did not want to leave for a second, even to nip to the loo!! (next time I’ll wear Tenna lady!!) I look forward to working with you and you truly give great value in your coaching session, beyond any precious stone. I’m glad I made the investment. Love & blessings

Company Director & Consultant Systemic Psychotherapist



Encouraged me to move out of comfort
Today I am earning residual income as a result

Thank you for believing in me and inspiring me to reach higher, dig deeper… Camilita sat me down and shared with me some principles that I can honestly say helped me tremendously.  Today, I am earning residual income as a result of some of those principles that I eventually put into practice.  I remember sitting down in a Conference room with Camilita and talking about my dreams and goals but I was so frustrated. I was tired of being in the same dry place and needed help desperately.  Camilita shared some principles with me and encouraged me to move out of comfort. She literally kicked me in the rear, admonishing me to go and find a building  to rent and gave me some ideas on how I could earn income. That was a defining moment for me! I am grateful to Camilita for her wisdom, knowledge and her belief in me!

Real Estate Attorney



She will kick your butt
Much greater self-belief and confidence

Camilita has been my business coach for some time now. She’s truly the kind of coach I needed as she will kick my butt which is something I needed. She’s helped me to have much greater self-belief and confidence in my skills and expertise. Camilita takes no nonsense. If you’re serious about wanting to build a successful business and need a strong and caring coach, I would recommend you check out Camilita Nuttall.

Lecturer at University of Bedfordshire Business School

If you’re looking for executive business coaching who will provide a blueprint for success through leadership, example and immediately actionable ideas, you can trust Camilita to guide you toward the future you deserve.

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