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Charlie Cina captivates his audiences and teaches them how to master the right mindset, missions, and moves to reach their personal potential to drive massive revenue. Through his writings, speaking, and consulting, he has built a vast group of followers known as Disciples of Sales.

Charlie believes that the ability to present and persuade are necessary life skills that everyone needs to succeed. He will teach you that your primary responsibility in business is to expose your brand, expose your products, expose your services, and expose your solutions to build long lasting revenue relationships.

Charlie leveraged his expertise in sales and marketing to work with and collaborate with billion-dollar brands. He has acquired clients that are the top motivational speakers, trainers in the world like Tony Robbins, Les Brown, and Eric Thomas. His 30 years of boots on the ground and under fire sales experience has led him to create proven techniques and strategies to activate, acquire, and achieve massive success. Charlie will transfer to your audience his simple formula to make sales easy, so anyone who implements can potentially connect with high-level clients and billion-dollar companies.

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Why relationship building is the fastest way to build long-lasting clients. Become an effective listener, ditch the ego, be actually interested in people and follow up with documentation, it’s the way forward.

Casey Jacox is a winning Sales & Executive Leadership Coach, Author, & Podcast Host. With more than 25 years of business experience, Casey’s leadership has helped his clients, co-workers, and customers understand the importance of building relationships. He’s a father, a husband, an executive sales & leadership coach, a podcaster, a speaker, and a business leader who is the same person in and out of work. Over his entire career, adversity has always made him stronger. Casey is blessed to have a positive attitude, as he still looks at life through the eyes of an optimist.

Casey spent nearly 20 years at Kforce, where he was the number one sales rep nationwide for ten years in a row before moving into the President of Client Strategy and partnerships. In that role, Casey played a crucial role in driving a sales transformation (internally) and provided executive-level support for large customers. In March of 2019, Casey left Kforce as the firm’s all-time leading salesperson in the nearly 60-year company history to begin writing his debut non-fiction book, & WIN the RELATIONSHIP – Not the DEAL.; His book has impacted many organizations, changed the way companies go to market from a sales perspective, and helped drive more curiosity throughout sales organizations. Casey is now the founder of Winning The Relationship, LLC, a consulting firm providing sales executive leadership and coaching. Casey is also a consulted coach (Room Tilter) for Limitless Minds, which teaches the power of neutral thinking and drives peak performance.

Additionally, Casey is the host of The Quarterback DadCast, a podcast that offers stories, advice, and wisdom for fathers looking to improve their leadership skills and emotional intelligence. Casey is a passionate networker and has intense energy for building relationships – genuine, long-lasting relationships. Casey loves to empower people to achieve more than they think they are capable of ever accomplishing. Additionally, giving back is a massive part of Casey’s life. As a former collegiate quarterback, Casey is now the President of the Tahoma Basketball Association, which serves the Maple Valley community (over 200 athletes and 20 teams for boys and girls). He loves to read, do old man CrossFit, play golf, and most importantly, spend time with his family.

Need support in your business?

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Brant Pinvidic is an award-winning film director, veteran television producer, C-level sales and presentations coach, keynote speaker, top-rated podcast host, and columnist for Forbes. He has been named to the Hollywood Reporter’s 30 Most Powerful Reality TV Sellers and is widely recognized as one of the great creative sales leaders in Hollywood. Brant has taken the life, business, and storytelling lessons he’s developed during his Hollywood career and used them to uniquely bridge the entertainment industry and the business community. His endless energy, quest for adventure, and the 3-Minute Rule have helped make him one of the most sought after C-level consultants in the USA and abroad. He lives in Southern California with his wife and three children. With over 20 years of experience in producing, creating, and directing TV shows and movies, Brant Pinvidic has developed some of the most advanced pitch and presentation techniques that he now teaches to people from all walks of life. From humble beginnings in Canada, he worked his way through the ranks of Hollywood, earning his reputation as one of the industry’s most effective and dynamic creative sales executives.

Need support in your business? Connect with Camilita on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or via email 

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After over a decade of being behind the scenes of several billion-dollar companies, Chris elevated into the elite status of the top 1% of the sales industry internationally back in 2016. Being exposed to some prominent entrepreneurs, he learned how to make that next leap into the challenging transition to serial entrepreneurship by brokering over 1.9 billion dollar deals over his tenure of CHRIS ROSS® Companies which he now serves as Chairman. He is also the creator of 2 Nationally Accredited Sales/ Business programs. In addition, he structured a deal in early 2020 to sell to a trade school corporation that operates in over 60+ online and on-campus locations.

They have rebranded and now enroll prospective students across the United States. Throughout the time it took to negotiate that deal, he launched his podcast show with the sole purpose of how to train admissions staff with over 15-18K employees to adopt his “WIN-WIN Effect” methodology. The first two seasons of his show took the world by storm by producing over a 2+million downloads in his first year across all major platforms. Once the deal went through, Chris felt he couldn’t let his viewers down by ending the show, so he decided to make it work without taking away from all of his contracts in the education industry. Having always been fascinated with Broadcasting & Media, he reached out to several podcast agencies and networks. Chris quickly identified what was wrong with the media industry and worked out how he could implement and apply his educational approach to revolutionize the podcasting industry to focus on community, collaboration, and collective impact. A year later, Chris worked effortlessly to form what the world is calling the next best thing.

However, the biggest challenge in front of WINJECT Studios is that what is taking place has never been accomplished, eradicating the number one reason why over 90% of podcasters quit because they haven’t figured out to make money from what they love to do. By embracing this challenge, Chris knew that to get to the outcome he was out for, he needed help. So he began reaching out to industry leaders and worked out exclusive offers from these brands and companies to provide services that you cannot get anywhere for the value of these offers based on his relationships with over 30+ strategic partners of WINJECT STUDIOS.

Need support in your business? Connect with Camilita on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or via email 

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There is a 5 Step Criteria every investor looks for when they want to invest in YOU. Do you have those? Are you ready to scale or sell? Listen to this recording!

Mike’s background is starting and building technology companies backed by angel investors and venture capital. He has raised more than $50M in venture financing for his own ventures, and has assisted thousands of other startups to start, scale, and cash out. He is the author of Startup Stepping Stones: Actions and Resources for Launching a Viable Business, and several other highly acclaimed books on building and selling a business.

Need support in your business? Connect with Camilita on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or via email 

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