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“Create a culture of support for your team and focus on your own self-care to ensure maximum success…”


Listen to “94: Mike Pagan | The Mental Wealth Formula You Need For Success” on Spreaker.


Mike Pagan is an expert in helping clients achieve positive mental wealth through building handpicked support networks and helping them unlock significant performance improvements.

Mike is a professional conference speaker, facilitator and communication coach on the subjects of increasing performance while building the right support network. He talks on crucial business issues such as developing a Wealth Management Team, Working in Isolation and Clients are for Life, not just for Profit. As one of Europe’s leading speakers on Mental Wealth and performance, he delivers speeches that are dynamic, motivational and captivating.

The goal of mental wealth is “the simple life” – to be doing what you love and to love what you do, surrounded by the people you love, who love you.

Isolation kills creativity and prevents decision making which in turn can have a detrimental effect on both an individual’s and the companies levels of success.

Mental wealth comes from managing isolation and decision making with your Mental Wealth Team.  |